Brandi Washington Ignite Social Media

5 Ways Not-Profits Can Use Social Media to Connect with Donors

When it comes to marketing, non-profit organizations tend to zero in their efforts to their big donor campaign seasons. While this approach may yield decent results, it is a missed opportunity. Non-profits should be connecting with their constituents and providing updates on their progress exterior...

5 Ways to Make Your Social Content More Effective

Are yous wondering how you can get your content to break through the ataxia? I bet you're also wondering how you can go customers to respond and buy your product or service. Well, buckle up, I have 5 tips to help make your social content...

Social Media Updates

Three Must-Haves for a Successful Conversion Entrada

While social media channels are constantly evolving from algorithm changes to preferred content types, two things in the globe of marketing remain tried and truthful. First, organizations want to drive product sales. 2d, they want to acquire new customers. Now that social media is the...

5 Tips for a Flawless Holiday Social Campaign

Hard to believe we are turning a precipitous corner into the terminal quarter of the year and it's fourth dimension to start planning your vacation social entrada. Q4 is make or break for a lot of businesses and each year, the competition grows.  According to eMarketer social...

3 Tactics You lot Should Add to Your Back to School Strategy

Just as we were all getting used to xc-degree days and 100+ oestrus indexes, it'southward all almost to come up to an end every bit Back to School gets into total swing.  If y'all're lagging on your dorsum to school strategy, here's your cheat sheet on the iii things yous...

v Ways to Stay Up-to-Engagement on Social Media

Social media moves quickly and changes from i minute to the next. It'due south important to stay upward-to-date on all the goings on to continue your social strategy fresh and effective. Here are five means to stay ahead of the game: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Snapchat...

5 Things We Learned In Social Media This Year

Can yous believe another year has passed? Some other year of hashtags, pins, stories and #ads. Hither'due south a quick circular-up of what we learned in social media this year: Stories Aren't for Everybody This yr we saw Facebook unsuccessfully try to capitalize on the story tendency while Snapchat...

Is Information technology Too Soon to Program Your 2018 Social Media Strategy?

Allow's face information technology, we're going to blink and information technology's going to be 2018. In the social space, where things are (or appear to exist) happening in the moment it's nonetheless possible to plan and approximate where the trends are heading which simply means, information technology's never...

Facebook Gets Stories and Don't Count Twitter Out Yet | Social You Should Know

Volition Facebook Stories Get Users to Create More Original Content? It's no underground Facebook has been seeing declines in original posts by users on the platform. Taking nonetheless another play from Snapchat, Facebook has been testing Facebook Stories in Ireland. It announced terminal week it volition...

Why Social Networks Need to Be Part of Your Holiday Sales Strategy

We're only two weeks away from the biggest shopping push of the year. Convenient, GlobalWebIndex just released some fascinating stats effectually product research on social platforms. According to the study, 37% of internet users use social networks to inquiry products and brands. That's a big leap from...

Why Your Social Media Strategy is Essential to Your Marketing Strategy

A couple of weeks ago nosotros hosted a webinar, "Staffing for Social Success," where we discussed the trends in roles on social media teams and the common social team structures we see. Every bit a follow-up to the webinar here are 4 reasons why your social media...

How to Engage Upshot Attendees with Pokemon Go

[caption id="attachment_37393" marshal="aligncenter" width="602"] Image Source: PC Mag[/caption] About four weeks ago the world was blessed with Pokémon GO, the biggest U.South. Mobile Game Always according to Survey Monkey. [caption id="attachment_37394" align="aligncenter" width="470"] Paradigm Source: Survey Monkey[/caption] If you've been under a rock or just within taking a...

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